Download Slenderman The Arrival For Android You have to pay to get the most from it, thankfully the paid plan is pretty cheap, priced at $10/y, which will add wireless functionality, full-screen mode, and add drag and drop feature.I know, the process is a little complicated when compared to something like AirDroid, but its an option you can consider.Download: 4. After a recent update, Vysor also support WiFi, however you’ll need a pro version for it.Price: The free plan will allow you to mirror and control your phone and also take screenshots. ApowerMirror will simply allow you to mirror your on your PC. ApowerMirrorApowerSoft is a well-known developer responsible for developing multiple apps and solutions for both individuals and businesses.
Slenderman The Arrival Download
Slender-Man app reviews
Slenderman Arrival Download Free

Download Slender The Arrival for FREE on PC – Released on 28 Oct, 2013, Learn how to download and install Slender The Arrival for free in this article and be sure to share this website with your friends. SLENDER THE ARRIVAL OVERVIEW You’re on your own. No one to come for you. No one to. Jul 14, 2019 You need to leave before the Slender Man finds you, but first you must find the objects hidden around the house. Use the security cameras to locate the missing objects, but be quick as you only have till 5:00 A.M. Will you be able to Escape From The Slender Man? Android usb drivers for windows 8.1 download.
No app 1/5
App not Avalible :vZero stars tbh 1/5
Wow. Seriously? Ok, don't buy this game. Waste of money. It lagged my iPad, I couldn't find slender man anywhere (which really ruins the fun), you can only go as fast a a turtle, apparently your head movement needs to be seen by a doctor, and it's got 'High quality graphics.' But seriously, don't buy this game it's a waste of precious money.NOT ORIGINAL!! Beware! 1/5
This is not the original game, you will be disappointedDon't Buy! 1/5
The trees and grass looks nothing like the picture! Save your money!Great game 5/5
Slender can only get so scary, so people honestly need to stop asking for more scare to it; it just can't and won't happen. Very good game, but the only complaint is that the controls are a bit stiff.Not scary😡 2/5
When I played this it was super glitchy not scary and boring so you should get slender the arrival or 5 nights at Freddy's you'll love them!😬 5/5
I'm getting freaked outNot worth the money 1/5
I played it once, got 5 pages and the lost. I saw slender once. It wasn't even scary the free one is better.Well, 4/5
I do not know where he is and when he is behind me i get killed please fix this.I have 7 reasons why this game is horrible 1/5
1. There is no options! How are you suppose to play the game properly without options!2. Make better pages! There just stick figures.3. When I win, the game just becomes brighter and I can't die.4. When I loose, the static doesn't even move and you can still move your head around.5. Add more trees! It doesn't look scary.6. Slender is not popping up!7. Not scary at all. I wasted $2.99 on this game, so if I were you, get Slender Rising.Nothing scary than that 4/5
It just a game, I tried to remind me like that all the time I played.Can you do this please 3/5
Dear creator can you put options in the game for sensitivity and make slender man spawn but not like house of slender please can you do that. But everything else is really good really good slender game except for what I said but can you add that update thanks From wyattReally not that scary:( 1/5
When I got it at first I thought it was scary so I played it it was going great but when ever you see him he doesn't move.Also the effects in the game are stupid and lack the effort and instead of pages it's tapes what the heck ?Awesome but 5/5
I really fun but I died a couple times And then after that I won : ) sorry to easyWould be better with an options menu 1/5
I bought this game this morning because I played Slender The Arrival last night. I really didn't get to play it since there is no options menu so that I can change my look inversion. I cannot play video games unless the look inversion is reversed, so it's very hard to move around when I either keep looking down at the ground or up at the sky. Ugh so annoying. Please fix I will cannot and will not play until this look option is available.Stop complaining 5/5
I remember when this first came out. It was the first slenderman game for apple devices. And I think it's fun for what it isI've seen kid movies scarier than this game.. 1/5
Why is this game so boring for the stars it received? Are the reviews computer generated??Horrible 1/5
I hate this i was so nervous to play this and then i was like really thats all u got and then i played other ones and i was like apple really let this be on the app storePretty good but more scary! 4/5
Needs more scare!Needs more 3/5
You need to add more maps and you need to make it where you die instantly when you get 5 pages. Every time I get 5 pages I doe instantly and also make the pages better it's just a stick figure.Very weird and too dark 1/5
I played it for 2minutes and died and too dark way to cheesy so I deleted itGood game but not scary 3/5
The game is good and there is potential but it's not scary add more. When slender catches you it should Showa cutscene where he eats you or he takes you away.and add more scary effectsUpdate 4/5
Needs to be more similer to the computerReally that was the best you could do 1/5
When i played this game it was the opposite of scary i looked straight at slender and nothing happend until i looked away and when you die the screen gets staticy and says game over and nothing else happens and slender when you look at him he doesnt make a music note he makes staticy sounds and when you die you can still move your head around even my little sister didnt think it was scary so what im trying to say that this game isnt scary really at all so please make it better i wasted 2.99 on a slender game that wasn't scaryMehh 2/5
This game is boring and needs a little..No..A lot more excitement.Way to dark 3/5
The game is way to dark they either need to make the forest a little brighter or have a bright flash light! Kinda disappointed at this version of slendermanStupid Really Stupid 1/5
So I bought the game was a little creeped playing found a page and it was stickman I said I bet a baby made this game. Then I saw him I heard music so I said I like this music and it cut off. I was very silent running away but it only made me jump a little.. Finding more pages it kept getting harder!! Then I hated the game and killed my self in the game 😅 Then deleted it so if I were you get slenderman rising 2Needs to emperove but still an ok game 3/5
It needs a lot of updating but not to scary either it still good I give 2 and a half stars but I kinda wasted my money on this..Not worth the money 1/5
Who's idea was it to make this game so expensive? I thought the price would mean that this was the slender game that I was looking for (spoiler: it wasn't). Not scary, somewhat difficult to move around, and glitchy. Would NOT recommend.Gobbledygook 1/5
Just nonsense. Not a game.Controls 4/5
Um I love this game it's awesome but the controls aren't the best and when you see him give the player more time to run away also when he does get you try to improve the face when he gets you.Need fix 3/5
I had to look at slender man for about 30 seconds and finally the screen started to make the noise and frizz out that need a fix and better movement plus maybe an options menu?Terrible 1/5
Three words. Worst. Game. Ever.Good but 4/5
Every single time it's so annoying I get 5 pages and I don't see him at all but I die I once had six for about 3.1 seconds then mr annoying killed mePretty good but 3/5
This game is good an all but it needs an update.1. Better pages, they are just stick people2. When you don't look at slender man he still gets you3. When you are caught the static doesn't move and his face barely shows.4. It would be nice to have better sound effects.5. Not enough trees6. The sensitivity is way too low.7. It's not scaryMore Scary 4/5
Needs More Scare To Make It Fun Looking For The Next Update!Cool, but.. 4/5
The slenderman looks a little fat, and when you move you're head around, it takes a while for your head to turn. Also, did any of the people notice that when you get the page in the building, the stick figure is upside down. When I walked out of there, Slender was upside down and stuck in the wall? (This one isn't a complaint.) Other than that, this is awesome!!! =DHORRIBLE!!! 1/5
This ap is total garbage! DON'T waste your money! I would also like a refund for this trash. This ap is crap!!! Do NOT buy. Game freezes up! Worse game ever!!!! This game has more problems, then holes in Swiss cheese! GARBAGE refund me!!!!Fun Challenge 5/5
I remember Slender getting brutally difficult at the end. Playing this, I feel that the challenge is fair, so instead of losing because Slender appeared right behind me, I lose because I lost track of where he is.Good game needs I be more scary 4/5
Hey! I like the game alot, but I beg of you guys to make the game scarier by like jump scares and scarier music! You guys may thing that nobody plays this but I play it alot! it also needs the original pages design from the real slender! I absolutely love this game just needs to be more scarier that's all!TERRIBLE 1/5
I Could barely even see the screen and after turning my brightness all the way up I still could hardly see it. Glitches and fail I deleted it a long time ago.Waste 1/5
Garbage. Buy the PC game not this piece of crap.Best game I have 5/5
Love this game! There is this cool part where it's dark and my flashlight is offAnd when I turn my flash light back on... I SEE HIM!!!! I got so scared. Get the game. The best game of Slender.Awesome game but 5/5
This is and awesome game but you can hardly see Slenders face when your cot by him you need to put it were it shows his face all the way and new controls that one is huge like you need to put in medium controls need to put in a wheat farm and other stuff to and stop making it move around win your cot by slendyTerrible 1/5
Not scary at all, terrible graphics and etc. if u want a good slender game, I suggest u buy slender risingBoo 1/5
It was good until ammonite took over and now it is totally different and it stinks just like every other ammonite game!Ok 3/5
It's a little dark hehe;)Best game EVER! 5/5
This is the best game ever! I love playing it. I wish it had some more features that would really make the game better. -better looking Slenderman (needs tentacles on his back and it needs to blind you when you look at him from far away.)-words or more pictures on the pages.-lots of more grass.-more trees.-a pause menu.-more music like at the main menu.-tap the page pages to collect them.-and last but not least add different sounds when you collect the pages.That's all I can think that would make the game better. Thanks for making the game.Ok 5/5
This game is not great. At all. But u have to give the developers lots of credit. they r the ones who first got the slender fans to start making slender games on ios and that's why I rated this five stars.thanks ammonite!